Seeding & Growing-Taiwan Vegetable Seeds Book
Brand Design / Book Design台灣以農立國,種生是眾生的諧音,種有ㄓㄨㄥˇ跟ㄓㄨㄥˋ兩種念法.因為有了農業,得以有豐富的農作,使我們豐衣足食。從你我生活中常吃的台灣蔬菜為主題創作,以插畫結合書籍.帶領大眾認識蔬菜種籽以及生長到收成的模樣、營養、吃法等,讓每個人能輕鬆得到關於蔬菜的知識 書籍依照根菜、葉菜、莖菜、果菜、辛香、花菜分為6冊,每一冊代表一種種類,可獨立分冊也可集結成一冊,每本書使用魔鬼氈做連結,其發想來自於蔬菜收成時,農夫從泥土中將蔬菜拔出來。
Taiwan is founded on agriculture, planting is the euphony of living beings in Chinese. Planting has two pronunciation in Chinese, that is, ㄓㄨㄥˇ and ㄓㄨㄥˋ. Thanks to agriculture, we got rich crop, to make us have ample food and clothing. Using common Taiwan vegetable as topic to create, combining pictures and books. To make everyone knows the appearance, nutrition, and the way of how to eat vegetable, so that everyone can gets the knowledge about vegetable easily.
Each book has different design of interaction, including scratch-off tickets, stickers, and jigsaw puzzles. Also, there are pictures taking in countryside by our team in each book. These books are classified into 6 volumes, that is root vegetables, leafy vegetables, stem vegetables, fruit vegetables, spice vegetables, and flower vegetables. Every volume represents a species, it can be splitted into 6 volumes or combined into one book. Every volume connects with velcros, this idea comes from that farmer pulls out the vegetables from field.